Expressing love can be challenging, but expressing it effectively can be overwhelming. To make it easier, Propose Shayari poems have been created to help you express your feelings with clarity and ease your worries.
Propose Shayari in English : Friends, expressing love can be an incredibly difficult and challenging endeavor. It is natural to feel a sudden lack of confidence when facing such an important task. Even the slightest trace of nervousness can overwhelm you and hinder your ability to communicate your feelings effectively.
Propose day Shayari in English : However, don’t worry, my dear friends, because I have come up with a solution to ease your worries. These propose shayari have been carefully crafted to help you express your feelings with utmost clarity. You can use these poems to express your love.
best propose shayari in english
VILLAIN is called Asur in Hindi.
What father. my dear friend.

Rose is called Gulab in Hindi.
Be my car and I will propose to you.
The style of love is very unique. Ghalib.
When will you live in someone else’s heart.
I don’t know if it will come down or not.
Never love anyone for yourself.
Who knows. he may love you without any reason.
meeting a friend at a friend’s friend’s place.
God is like a cool balm.
I have associated every relationship with loyalty.
Believe me. honestly it has nothing to do with me.
With roses in my hands I have written the shadow.
Frey can’t live without us anymore.
I have got the disease of love.
That is why it is said all the time about marriage.
People must have become our pain.
I have become the dearest headache.
Not every man wants to approach attractive women.
There is something that just is.
To worship God is to cry.
Best Love Status in English Hindi | Love Status in English
2 line propose shayari in english for boyfriend
Neither God’s smile nor roses are needed.
I am just crazy about the stars.
You should get a kiss every day.

I pray to God for your safety.
There is a girl sir.
we need life.
You are my reality. you are my dream.
I love you darling. take care
I was watching the match with all my heart.
Your message has become too bold.
Neither did I see the paper nor did I feel foolish.
Hearts joined together and love became limitless.
Blood is called Lahu in Hindi.
Do you want my mother’s daughter-in-law.
Sight is a distant thing. I just want to walk.
Even if I don’t catch a cold three times.
BLACK is called black in Hindi.
if you say so.
I will make my brother my brother-in-law.
Star Mohammed’s account was taken as follows.
The limit is that you should read it yourself.
completed the book.
propose poetry
Chair is called CHAIR in English.
Be mine and drive my car.
lifelong marital care.
propose shayari in english
What can I say. life has become very boring.
Don’t torment me anymore.
Quickly become my wife!

We suffer every moment and cry every moment.
Darling. I sleep with a pillow in your memory.
This is what I believe.
just a joke.
I am in love with you.
Let’s start a love story.
I will be the king. will you be my queen.
After meeting you. I am lost in your thoughts.
I was crazy before. I’m crazy now
I have become a little crazy.
When hair gets in your eyes. remove it.
if you love me let me know.
Roses in hands. in hair.
Tell me. what is this crazy girl of mine.
I accept this madness of yours.
My pet is full of lovely words.
Say yes quickly. it doesn’t happen and wait.
Should I ask you about the time or your situation. I have to talk to you.
What questions should I ask.
Need companionship from youth to old age.
My hands are empty. I need your hand in them.
Friendship Shayari Sad in Hindi
ladki ko propose kaise kare shayari in english
Just don’t go too far from friends.
Need a journey from GF and GF to WIFE.

The moon is far away. water is nearby. I am definitely there.
I am fine. tell me your queen.
Silky hair. black dot on the forehead.
That girl with the earrings stole my heart.
May this year become special for me in this way.
Tell your mother. friend!
Can she become my mother-in-law.
We don’t know how to express our love.
The heart fears that the pain of the lover will go away.
At that moment the heart beats stop.
People. their drooping eyelids.
express love.
express love.
Otherwise a silence.
It becomes a wait of a lifetime.
Become a companion and come with me. right.
How long will you torture me.
You love me too. tell me
You are a fragrant evening.
You are the epitome of love.
We keep your memories hidden in our chest.
That’s why you are another name in my life.
I feel like giving my life to you.
I will give you all the happiness of life.
If you trust me.
So believe me. I will even give you my breath.
2 line propose Shayari in english for girlfriend
We don’t know how to express our love.
The heart fears that love will be sad.

I want to decorate your happiness.
I want to smile at you.
What is your importance in my life.
I don’t want to come closer and tell this in words!
Can’t understand the depth of the eyes.
Can’t say anything with lips.
How can we tell you this condition of my heart.
You are the one without whom we cannot live.
I want to decorate you with my love.
I have to tell you how much I love you.
Spread your love on the streets.
I want to take you on a journey of love!
I’m crazy about you. I don’t deny it.
How can I say that I don’t love you.
There was some mischief in your eyes too.
I am not the only one guilty of this!
Wants to express his love.
Ever since I saw you. my dear.
My heart wants to see only you.
I again and again in a new way.
Used to express his love.
Don’t know why he couldn’t understand.
He would just laugh and avoid the matter.
I will remain with you as your shadow.
Wherever you go. I will be there.
The shadow leaves us in the dark.
But I will be your light in the darkness.
The moments of your separation make me restless.
My circumstances make me helpless.
How to say we love you.
Let us express our love to you today!
Of course you also love me very much.
But you want me to express it.
My heart is touched by this act of yours.
Then how can I refuse to express my views.
Best Love Quotes in Hindi English
happy propose day shayari in english
It was the fault of these eyes.
Who watched silently.
We had decided to remain silent.
But this unfaithful person expressed his anger.

Every time I say. am I the only one.
Sometime you also tell me.
Should I express love every time.
you also express yourself sometime
I don’t want to live my life without you.
I don’t want anything else from God. I want to ask you forever.
Nothing else right now but just want to wish Happy Propose Day.
I have become expert in swimming.
Still I often drown.
in your thoughts.
I pray to God for your happiness.
And love you for a lifetime.
A style to steal your heart.
A style to settle in your heart.
Your face is like the moon and your stubbornness.
To get our moon.
Only your name is on my breath.
If I am happy then this favor.
It is yours.
Express it otherwise there will be silence.
Waiting for a lifetime.
Today I wanted to tell you that yours.
I can no longer live without it.
From us.
Your smile is our weakness.
It is our compulsion not to say.
Why don’t you understand this feeling.
Is it necessary to give voice to the silent.
propose karne wali shayari in english
I am the light of day. you are like the moon of night.
Come on. let’s meet each other again.
like evening.

You are the shine of the eyes and the pride of the eyelids.
You are the smile on the face. the smile on the lips.
My heart beats only for you.
Then how can I not say that you are my life.
Look eye to eye.
Look at our heart to heart.
I will put all the happiness in your lap.
Try expressing your love to us.
Can’t understand the depth of eyes.
We cannot say anything with our lips.
How can I tell you this feeling of my heart.
That you are the one without whom we cannot live!
Those who laugh in sorrow are not made to cry.
Water is not removed by waves.
Those who are going to be become our own.
You don’t make someone yours by saying something.
I feel like giving my life to you.
I will give you all the happiness of life.
If you give me the confidence of being with you.
So believe me. I will give you my breath also.
This heart of mine wants to love you.
Wants to express his love.
Ever since I have seen you. my love.
To see only you.
my heart desires.
You have to trust.
I have to love with all my heart.
I don’t have many wishes. I just have this much.
I have to keep you as mine in every moment.
A style to steal your heart.
A style to settle in your heart.
Your face is like the moon and your stubbornness.
To get our moon.
I ask God for your happiness.
I ask for your laughter in my prayers.
Let’s think about what we should ask from you.
I ask for lifelong love from you.
first propose shayari in english
Even a stone melts in the flame of love.
If you support with a true heart. your destiny also changes.
May you find a true partner on the path of love.
No matter how fallen a person you are.

It is our weakness to want them.
It is our compulsion to not be able to tell them.
Why don’t they understand our silence.
Is it necessary to express love.
If you were not there then who would have written the ghazal.
Who would call your face a lotus.
This is the miracle of love.
Otherwise who would call a stone a Taj Mahal.
I love only you.
I dedicate my life to you.
I can’t live without you even for a moment.
I express my love today.
Words do not matter in a contract.
There is no sound of heart’s emotions.
Eyes tell the story of the heart.
Love is dependent on words.
doesn’t happen.
Look at your face every day from your moon and give it light.
Give me permission to name all your evenings.
Give your love to me for this memorable week of your life.
Every year it is celebrated as Happy Proposer Day.
give light.
You are my reason for living this life.
This is my desire to be around all the time.
Look. I was searching through my bag. you are searching for me.
Will you stay with me for the rest of my life.
Weapons cannot tell the condition of your heart.
What to do. we can’t live without enrollment.
On the day of proposal day. we say Hal-e-Dil.
Now this life cannot do you good.
If words don’t come out from Japan then read my eyes.
If the heart is unable to express anything. then it will do so on its own.
Understand my heart’s condition.
This is what Ujaar Kifa had to say today.
I can’t live without it anymore.
propose shayari english me
Wherever you look. we will be seen.
Then you will turn our skirt towards us.
only we will be remembered.

Neither the day can pass nor the night can pass.
This life without me.
It hurts a lot.
When the storm comes. he cries.
When a dream comes. it gets lost.
You will come only in dreams.
It is on this principle that we fall asleep.
When I remember you.
We get lost in your memories.
Must see-as soon as you think about it.
we will meet.
When someone pleases your heart. you fall in love.
The world becomes silent.
is haunted by fear.
Today he is sitting at the sweet table holding a rose in his hands.
My heart in every step.
My answer is sought.
I wish to create a wonderful heart.
If someone please give a hint.
this is the address.
That emotion is in every heart.
Tell them today with your hands.
We felt a lot of pain sir.
Now give your love to your dreams.
Before the prick comes out.
Say what people say.
If the proposal is accepted then it is ok.
Otherwise he remains lonely anyway.
Love is an accusation. it is just not expressed.
It’s a matter of looking into the eyes.
I just can’t agree.
propose day shayari in english for girlfriend
The depth of the eyes cannot be understood.
I can’t say anything with my lips. how can I say it.
Let us tell you about this heart.
You will be our way.
can not do.

This is not why we express our love.
Verily we are monks from their yes or no.
If they do yes then we will die happily.
And if they do. then die crying.
One thing is about weapons.
We don’t have to live without the real thing.
Just listen to my heart.
Friend. please choose us from your path.
Will love you with every step.
If you don’t believe me. please show me.
I don’t even know how to express my feelings.
But this heart doesn’t even know how to be yours.
I am your lover. I can’t refuse you.
How can I say that I don’t love shocking.
Some outings were also in your eyes.
I see that he is not guilty.
I always yearn for a review meeting.
Tell me today itself. what should I say love.
We lost our hearts.
Where did you see it for the first time.
There was no story of your coming.
For this the rose was sold to you.
Why can’t he himself be the last to speak about my heart.
It is important to express love.
The moments of your separation make me restless.
My circumstances make me helpless.
How said we love clear.
Let us confess our love today.
love propose shayari in english for girlfriend
I am a lake. you are a waterfall.
I can’t live without you.

I love your style.
I love your relationships.
There is happiness in life because of your presence.
I love you so much.
It was the fault of these contradictions.
Who sees secretly.
We had decided to go fishing.
Celebrate this anniversary again on being unfaithful.
Twenty-three businessmen who call me every day.
My eyes meet your heart.
Experience solitude today.
This is shocking to my heart.
What will happen if I come to you.
This is a matter of strange concern.
Don’t ask me what my last love is.
Once again are you assuming.
Hey if you want to love Rekha.
So love me and see for yourself.
I can see your love in my eyes.
Because Sanam. my heart beats for you.
By the way. you are my first choice.
But I want mine from you.
Like the last love.
If I can’t say anything.
So you read it.
I can’t express my feelings
So you yourself understand.
Confessing your love is a strange poetry.
It becomes a wait of a lifetime.
There is happiness in this feeling but I cannot show it.
I love you. I can’t even hide my love for you.
propose shayari in english copy paste
Ever since my heart has been longing to see my face.
Just starting to reveal a little love every day!

If you give me respect then I will also come to Pasfe.
Look. even the moon has a star.
I want to decorate happy festivals.
I want to smile after seeing you.
What is yours in my life.
I want this knowledge not in words.
The one who laughs in sorrow cannot be made to cry.
Water is not taken out of the waves.
Those who are going to be become our own.
No one can be made one’s own.
Can’t understand the depth of eyes.
Can’t say anything to Mundo.
Naina album mohobbat ka iqraar karu from ethiopia.
Let the dew drops make your life hum.
What is love. you ask me.
What do you know from the words of your mind.
There is no benefit in showing off like this.
Try it and know the latest news.